
IMATS – Meeting customers desires in North America

Meeting customers desires in North America

The growing uncertainty and concern about trade policy has made tariffs a flashpoint in the relationship between the USA government and its citizens in relation to import of goods. North American Organisations traditionally considered investment of goods from East Asia, however, in this current climate several North American firms are revaluating what is best for business when considering imports of goods.

In addition IMATS are  located in a free trade zone in Costa Rica, five  hour flight away from North  America, on the same time zone as  North America, and  0% import duty free.

Highly regarded facilities, over  fifty  years of experience and  ingenuity in injection moulding,  offering high quality competitive  tooling and part costs, happy to  discuss any enquiries with  customers, and provide tool  quotations within 5 working days.  IMATS will provide the service you are looking for.



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